What role does the forest play in the quality of water (thermal and drinking)?
It plays a vital role. Firstly, because the trees protect the soil from dryness and erosion. Without them, rainwater would not have time to infiltrate the ground to reach the water tables. It would either evaporate before or trickle down to the rivers. Secondly, because the roots of trees are the first filter in the long transformation of rainwater into thermal water. Finally, because the older the trees, the deeper their roots go, the more they mix into the earth. The infiltrated water can go further and take on more minerals and microelements.
What is special about the forest park at the Avène Hydrotherapy Centre?
It’s a very dense forest that can seem impenetrable. Mainly there are beeches and oaks but also pines, poplars, and a few chestnut trees. It is very old, appearing on maps more than 150 years ago. This is important because it is synonymous with a rich underground flora and fauna, with a more successful, more balanced ecosystem. It is beneficial for water quality.